by Evan Facinger | Jun 21, 2023
CLEVELAND COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER Location: Norman, OK Details: This inmate detention center is located on US 77 & Franklin Road. In 2008, the voters of Cleveland County approved a tax increase to fund and operate a new justice facility. The jail is approximately...
by Evan Facinger | Jun 21, 2023
WESTGATE MARKET PLACE Location: Interstate 40 & McArthur Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK Details:The Westgate Market Place consists of various retail and discount shopping centers such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Ross, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, etc. SMC completed the site...
by Evan Facinger | Jun 21, 2023
LITTLE AXE ROAD PROJECT FOR THUNDERBIRD ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Location: Cleveland County, OK Details: The project consisted of designing the 676 spaces parking area, internal street system including site lighting and a stormwater drainage and detention pond. The...
by Evan Facinger | Jun 21, 2023
Norman Regional Health Plex Location: Norman, OK Details: SMC was the prime Civil Engineering Consultant to the Norman Regional Health Plex located at the intersection of I-35 frontage and Tecumseh Road. This development consists of a 400 room hospital with...
by Evan Facinger | Jun 21, 2023
RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 6 Location: Southeast Oklahoma, McCurtain County Details: Water System Improvements project located in southeast Oklahoma, near the Town of Smithville. SMC coordinated for over a decade securing easements and permits to design and award this...